Tips for Google AdWords Success in 2014

If you’re looking for success with Pay Per Click via Google AdWords, you couldn’t find a better digital agency in Ireland for overseeing your campaign than FCR Media. We’ve spent over a decade creating and managing Google AdWords campaigns, and we are also the first Google AdWords Premier SME Partner in the country, providing a full service solution encompassing in-depth expertise, campaign management and detailed reporting.

But if you’re unfamiliar with either PPC or AdWords, you may not realise just how powerful this online advertising platform can be in driving interested people to your website, drawing on the immense popularity and functionality of Google search

Seemingly, it’s a simple case of creating ads for your business that are then showcased on Google when someone performs a relevant search. However, there’s such complexity and nuance to Google AdWords that the right in-depth expertise is truly needed to make the most of it.

Time and attention is needed for a successful campaign
Many companies may swerve clear of Google AdWords given how time-consuming and expensive it can be, but for others, the potential ROI makes the platform more than worth the huge amount of time spent contemplating, researching and planning for the best campaign. However, Google AdWords can certainly be frustrating if you do not give it the attention that it deserves.

From specific keywords to directing users to the right places
To ensure that your clicks come from the right prospects, keep your keywords specific. Choosing overly general keywords can greatly compromise your campaign’s effectiveness due to Google subsequently serving your ad to a disparate range of people with little interest in it. That means that even if such visitors do click on your ad, you’ll lose money. So, consider the very specific terms that actual human beings are likely to enter into a search engine.

You can also maximise the relevance of the users who are shown your ads by putting keywords into themed ad groups. A bakery, for example, may have separate ad groups for keywords related to cookies, brownies and cupcakes. An ad from that ad group can then target a shared set of keywords. Use ad groups to group things together, and you’ll have better-aligned ads and keywords and a better chance of quality click-throughs.

Consider, too, where visitors will be directed when they click on your ad. Sometimes, your homepage may be a perfectly suitable destination, but doing this too often can make visitors feel more than a little exploited – particularly if, for example, they click on an ad for a certain type of shoe, only for them to be led to a page lacking even a picture of a shoe.

Finally… continually track, test and review
There should never be a time when you are not monitoring your PPC campaign, experimenting and assessing the results. From performing AB and multivariate tests on your ads to reviewing keyword performance and making adjustments when returns diminish, even the most seemingly modest measures can hugely impact on the effectiveness of your Google AdWords campaign over time.